Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Anna Anuszkiewicz Brown

It has really been awhile since I have posted anything on here.

I have been busy though. I have been tracing some information on my BAUER-FISHER lines as well as some more information on one of my KAELIN lines, both of which I will update in another post.

I have been trying to gain some ground on my ANUSZKIEWICZ - UNCORT line, which is tough since half of them use ANUSZKIEWICZ and half use UNCORT. Even the same person can use either name at any given time. Case in point, my Grandmother's maiden name is give as Anuszkiewicz on my Mother's Baptismal Certificate, however, on her marriage information to her second husband, Raymond BACICAN, she uses Uncort.

So, this post is about the youngest of the Anuszkiewicz children, Anna.

Anna Anuszkiewicz
born: 15 October 1921 in Philadelphia, PA
died: 21 May 1949 in Baltimore, MD

Anna was only 27 years old when she died. Her death certificate states she died from cerebral thrombosis with rheumatic heart disease as a contributing factor.

I started my search as just a general search on Ancestry for:

Anna ANUSZKIEWICZ (UNCORT), born about 1922 in Philadelphia, PA.

I found the UNCORT family living at 146 rear Race St., in Philadelphia, PA. Anna was 7 years old. I did not find UNCORT  in a census for 1930, but at this point I already knew that Anna's parents were dead.

I then found a Marriage Certificate for Anna Anuszkiewicz and Francis Leo Brown. They were married in Norfolk, VA., and Francis' occupation was listed as a Private in the US Army.

An actual lead!!! My Uncle Vince had told me that Anna had married a soldier by the name of Francis BROWN!! 

The Marriage Certificate lists the name of the Bride: Anna ANUSZKIEWICZ and her parents: Stanley ANUSZKIEWICZ & Alice ZYGMUNT - My Great grandparents!! 
(NOTE: This was the first time I had seen Stanley's surname as Anuszkiewicz).
The certificate also lists the ages of the Bride & Groom, but no birth dates. However, it did list the place of birth for both.

Since I had not gotten this far before, and I had limited information about Anna, I decided to research Francis. I found his birth date: 2 October 1921 in Bloomington, IL and he died 26 July 1983 in Parkville. MD. I found several Ancestry hits for him and except for 1, they did not list Anna. The one family tree that did list Anna, lists her surname as: AUSTRAUSKY.
This information lead me to a Find A Grave Memorial:

Leo Francis BROWN married
born: 15 October 1921
died: 21 May 1949, Baltimore, MD
buried: Baltimore National Cemetery
                Baltimore, Maryland
                Section E, Site 4335

The spelling on Anna's name is different, but I just had a feeling this is her. 
I wrote to the person who owns this Memorial but I never got a response.
I had also found a second Memorial for Francis:

Francis Leo “Brownie” Brown
BIRTH 21 Oct 1921 Bloomington, McLean County, Illinois, USA
DEATH 26 Jul 1983 Parkville, Baltimore County, Maryland, USA
BURIAL  Gardens of Faith Cemetery  
Rosedale, Baltimore County, Maryland, USA
PLOT Garden of the Good Shepherd
Family Members
Carmella Rosa Butta Brown*

This one did not list Anna, but did list another wife.
So, next I checked out the LDS website and I found this:

Francis Leo Brown LH8G-WS6​
BIRTH: 12 October 1921
Bloomington, McLean, Illinois, United States
DEATH: 26 July 1983
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Anna Austrausky L2T4-PJB​
BIRTH: 15 October 1921
DEATH: 21 May 1949
Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Next, I checked the National Cemetery Administration website and ran a search on there, I came up with the following:

DATE OF BIRTH: 10/15/1921
DATE OF DEATH: 05/21/1949
(410) 644-9696

At this point I am certain in my mind that this woman is definitely my Aunt Anna.
I sent to the Maryland State Archives requesting the Death Certificate for Anna BROWN.

Confirmation !! The Anna AUSTRAUSKY BROWN is my Aunt Anna ANUSZKIEWICZ!!

I have also had in my possession for a few years now a Wedding Photo for one of the Anuszkiewicz Girls. The Bride looks just like my Grandmother, but the Groom was neither her first nor second husband so I knew it was not my Grandmother. I never knew which one. I had posted the photo to Facebook asking my family members if anyone knew who the Bride was. As with everything connected with genealogy I received conflicting information about which sister it was. However, one response stuck out. One of my Mother's sisters had said she did not know who the Bride was, but that the Groom was 'Uncle Brownie'......................
                       So, I believe the Mystery of Anna Anuszkiewicz has been solved.

I believe this is the Wedding Photograph of 
Anna Anuszkiewicz and Francis Leo Brown
3 June 1944
Norfolk, Virginia.

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