I heard back from St. Stanislaus - no luck. Sr. Loretta called me a few days ago and told me that she found no information about my Grandfather.
I heard from St. Pete's - I got a small gold mine! I received in the mail, 28 various Religious Certificates, including my Baptismal Certificate. The Certificates are for various family members on BOTH side of my family. I have Baptismal, Communion and Confirmation Certificates for almost all of my Mom's brothers and sisters.
I also have 2 or three more Hawaiian names to add to my searches:
2) Mary KALO
3) Marie KAN?KEANO (hand written on the back of the church certificate is the statement that this name is spelled 'KANKEANO or possibly RANKEANO', but then it goes on to say that 'the information on the certificate is hard to read' and she can not fully make of the name) However, I think the name has many possibilities, such as:
KAUKEANO or maybe KAN?KEANO, but I definitely think it is a Hawaiian name.
I also heard from Holy Rosary and Sacred Heart Churches in the Ka'u District of Hawai'i. So far there are no records for Grandpop Dave. The Secretary at the Church had sent a list of names - these were in response to additional names that I had sent to her that may or may not be related. She said she will continue to look.
So, my brick wall is still intact...
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